Breaking to Make Whole

When I saw this week’s Five Minute Friday prompt, I originally thought of writing something very different. But then I got caught up in a work project at home and when I came back to write, I ended up reading Kate Motaung’s intro post first.

And it made me think. You see, my son had open heart surgery recently and in his case, the doctors also had to break open his sternum to get to his damaged heart. Seeing the cartoon video of the surgery and hearing how it would be done was painful, and handing my little baby over to the anesthesiologists was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

And in the end, he’s been coming through it well. His newly strengthened heart allows him to have more energy and to grow. His scar will fade a bit with time, but it always reminds me how the doctors had to break open this precious boy to make his heart whole.

5 thoughts on “Breaking to Make Whole

  1. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I also had something very different in mind, when I originally sat down to write my post. I love that scars can be beautiful reminders of God’s work in our lives. I hope you have a lovely weekend!


  2. Oh my goodness. I can’t imagine how you must have felt when you had to hand your little baby boy over but am so thankful it all went well. Thank the Heavens it all went well and he is well now. [We don’t realise the things we’re capable of facing until we have to face them]. Blessings. {A FMF friend}


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